Welcome to Flow Allocator!
What is Flow Allocator?
Flow Allocator is a sophisticated tool for rebalancing one’s portfolio.
Why Flow Allocator?
Many of us have multiple investment accounts. They might be taxable or tax-advantaged. They might serve different investment goals.
To have multiple investment accounts serve the same goal can be tricky. It may not make sense to hold certain types of assets in an account. For example, it may not be tax efficient to hold a gold ETF in a taxable account.
Certain accounts are restricted in the assets they can hold. A cash management account holds only cash, for example. Your 401K may not offer a Foreign Small Cap fund, or if it does, the fee may be prohibitively high.
We can individually tailor each account to a different investment goal, or roughly mirror each with a basic allocation. But to have them work in concert towards a common strategy allocation can be a complex undertaking, especially if that allocation changes over time.
Flow Allocator steps in to provide a convenient solution to this dilemma, tolerating the demands of different accounts while directing them all towards the same goal.
It works with exports from your investment accounts* as well as with delimited files in standardized and open formats.
It gives you an overview of your holdings.
It lets you experiment with your strategy.
It can assist you in finding optimal allocation to meet your investment goals.
- where supported through the open source Importer Suite mentioned below.
Open Source Components
Flow Allocator is built upon OpenAlloc a group of open source projects with Apache and Mozilla Licensing.
The Data Model
The Data Model is AllocData
The Importer Suite is FINporter
The privacy of your financial data is paramount.
Your data is stored in an open file format that can be unzipped and imported into any spreadsheet program.
Your data is not transmitted or stored online.
See the full privacy policy for details, available at