Accounts Table

Each row of the Accounts table describes a unique account.

Deleting Accounts

To delete an account, first remove from strategy, then delete from menu.


This table can be populated from the openalloc/account schema.

Where support has been added, the Accounts Table can be populated through drag and drop of exports from your brokerage account, such as ‘Portfolio Positions’

The attributes for account can be modified manually in the UI.

A comma- or tab-delimited file adhering to the following schema can also be imported through drag and drop or the Import menu:

Name Type IsRequired IsKey Descript
accountID string true true The account number of the account.
title string false false The title of the account.
isTaxable bool false false Is the account taxable?
canTrade bool false false Can you trade securities in the account?
accountStrategyID string false false The strategy associated with this account, if any.


  • Title

  • Account Number

  • Strategy ID - the strategy in which the holdings of the account are available for participation

  • canTrade (Bool) - if true, all the holdings of the account participate in the strategy and are subject to liquidation.

    If false, only those holdings in the account that match the strategy’s allocation will participate. Those that don’t are called “orphans”. Note that part of a holding can participate.

  • isTaxable (Bool) - need to trade against taxable accounts in a tax-efficient manner


  • isActive (Bool) - no longer used with introduction of Strategy ID attribute.