Holdings Table

A table where each row describes an individual position, with account, ticker, share count, share basis, etc.

Note that holdings for accounts not assigned to a strategy will be ignored.


This table can be populated from the openalloc/holding schema.

Where support has been added, the Holdings Table can be populated through drag and drop of exports from your brokerage account, such as ‘Portfolio Positions’.

A comma- or tab-delimited file adhering to the following schema can also be imported through drag and drop or the Import menu:

Name Type IsRequired IsKey Descript
holdingAccountID string true true The account hosting the position.
holdingSecurityID string true true The security of the position.
holdingLotID string true true The lot of the position, if any.
shareCount double false false The number of shares held in the position.
shareBasis double false false The price paid per share of the security.
acquiredAt date false false The date of the acquisition.