Tracker Table

NOTE (April 2023): in an effort to simplify, support for Tracker has been removed from Flow Allocator (if you really need it, let @reedes know, and I can restore functionality.)

Each row of the Tracker table describes a many-to-many relationship between Securities.

Each row of the Trackers table describes a shared tracking index. For example, the S&P 500 followed by both VOO, SPY, and many other funds.


This table can be populated from the openalloc/tracker schema.

A comma- or tab-delimited file adhering to the following schema can also be imported through drag and drop or the Import menu:

Name Type IsRequired IsKey Descript
trackerID string true true The name of the tracking index.
title string false false The title of the tracking index.


For example a “S&P 500” Tracker would be linked by SPY, VOO, and other securities that track the index.