Strategies Table

Each row of the Strategies table describes a single allocation strategy.


This table can be populated from the openalloc/strategy schema.

Where support has been added, the Strategy Table can be populated through drag and drop of exports from your allocation provider.

New strategies can also be manually created in the UI.

A comma- or tab-delimited file adhering to the following schema can also be imported through drag and drop or the Import menu:

Name Type IsRequired IsKey Descript
strategyID string true true The name of the strategy.
title string false false The title of the strategy.

Account Assignments

An account can be assigned to a strategy through the Accounts table.

An account not assigned to any strategy is effectively inactive and non-participating.

Non-trading accounts can be assigned to a strategy. They will participate in the allocation, but not in the rebalance. Their holdings may be “orphaned”.