Cashflows Table

Each row of the valuation cashflow table describes a cash flow at a particular time. It is not explicitly bound to any valuation snapshot. Typically, multiple history items are rolled up into a cash flow item.


This table can be populated from the openalloc/valuation/cashflow schema.

The attributes for cashflow can be modified manually in the UI.

Typically cashflow rows are generated indirectly through import of transactions. However, a comma- or tab-delimited file adhering to the following schema can also be imported through drag and drop or the Import menu:

Name Type IsRequired IsKey Descript
valuationCashflowTransactedAt date true true The timestamp when this flow occurred.
valuationCashflowAccountID string true true The account in which the flow occurred.
valuationCashflowAssetID string true true The asset class flowed.
amount double true false The amount of the flow (-outgoing, +incoming).